Monday, March 14, 2011

Hope On The Horizon

I last left off at a very dark point our lives, where getting pregnant seemed like a crapshoot and our hope of actually having a child was slim to none.

Since that time, Joey and I have met with Dr. H, the doctor that delivered our little girl, and he gave us some news that we never even knew existed.  Apparently, with a condition like a Bicornuate Uterus, there is a procedure called a concurrent laparoscopy and hysteroscopy, which will look at my uterus from the inside and outside.  While the doctor is performing the procedure, he/she can perform a corrective hysteroscopic metroplasty, which essentially will detect the septum, snip it off and then sew up the uterus.

Now, I am sure I do not have all of the correct details, and there is always the possibility that something else could be wrong...but I have hope!  High hope!

This could be our chance to have a normal uterus, a normal pregnancy and a "normal" little addition to our family!

Dr. H and Dr. P referred us to Dr. B, who is a Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility Specialist here in Fort Collins.  We have our first meeting with him on March 24th (after a 2 month wait) and I am really really hoping that he is our guy.  I have decided to put all of my faith into the possibility of fixing my uterus, and with that, hope has returned.  HOPE!

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